The Arturo Fuente Anejo Tres Ocho 8-8-8 is a cigar handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. To ensure its quality and consistency, a special blend of premium tobacco was selected and aged in Spanish cedar vaults. On the same note, the wrapper is aged in cognac barrels for a minimum of one year, giving it a unique and distinct flavor profile that is both rich and smooth. A dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro that adds a layer of complexity to the smoking experience. With a 6 inches size, with a ring gauge of 44, providing a comfortable and enjoyable smoking experience. An effortless draw, with an even burn, allowing the flavors to develop and intensify as the cigar consumes. Falvor wise, notes of spice, leather, and dark chocolate dominate the palate, with hints of sweetness and nuttiness towards the end.