The Arturo Fuente - Hemingway Masterpiece is a premium handmade cigar that is named after the famous American author, Ernest Hemingway. Manufactured in the Dominican Republic, this cigar features a distinctive shape that is unique to the Hemingway line of cigars. Crafted from high-quality, aged Dominican tobacco, it is a medium to full bodied cigar presenting a delicate yet toothy Cameroon leaf wrapper that imparts a rich and earthy flavor with a hint of sweetness. The binder and filler are both Dominican-grown and provide a smooth, creamy smoke that is balanced by notes of cedar and spice. With a length of 9.02 inches and a ring gauge of 52, this Hemingway Masterpiece is a truly impressive smoke that is perfect for a special occasion or for those who prefer a longer smoking experience. With a perfect draw, this cigar produces a thick, aromatic smoke that is sure to satisfy any discerning cigar aficionado.