Ashton commemorated their 20th anniversary with a remarkable creation, the Ashton ESG 21 Year Salute - a premium cigar that stands out from other top-tier cigars. Its exceptional wrapper is cultivated solely for this line on the Chateau de la Fuente farm in the Dominican Republic. The Ashton ESG 21 Years Salute is a Robusto-style cigar that tantalizes the taste buds with its diverse range of flavours, including a blend of pepper, spices, and a touch of chocolate sweetness, making it an exceptional option for both new and seasoned smokers. The medium-brown, slightly oily Sun Grown wrapper is a visual masterpiece, and its voluminous ring gauge compensates for its short 5.24' length. The Ashton ESG 21 Years Salute is a premium product that creates an intensely aromatic experience, with the Sun Grown wrapper ideally rounding off the flavours.