History of AVO
AVO has been operating since 1985 offering premium non-Cuban Cigars. Ashton cigars are handmade in the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic from only the finest aged tobaccos.
AVO has been operating since 1985 offering premium non-Cuban Cigars. Ashton cigars are handmade in the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic from only the finest aged tobaccos.
The AVO XO Preludio is a masterful creation of handcrafted luxury, born from the finest tobacco leaves nurtured in the Cibao Valley, a place where the gentle climate and rich soil properties merge to produce an unparalleled aroma that only comes to fruition during the meticulous fermentation process. The cigar is a work of art, skillfully constructed with a Connecticut wrapper, a Dominican Republic binder, and filler, each selected to achieve a delicate balance of flavors. The Preludio is a lengthy 5.98' inches masterpiece, with a ring gauge of 40, presenting itself in all its glory. Upon lighting up, you will be transported to a world of mild to medium-bodied bliss, with a delectable sweetness enhanced by notes of wood, vanilla, and flowers, teasing your palate with every puff. The Preludio delivers a smooth, silky texture, making it a perfect choice for any smoking occasion. This cigar is not box-pressed, nor is it packaged in an aluminum tube, to ensure that nothing comes between you and the one-of-a-kind experience that is the AVO XO Preludio.