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History of CIGAR KINGS

Cigar Kings, founded by the innovative Philipp Kugler in 2016, is a brand specializing in premium Nicaraguan cigars. With a commitment to sustainability and worker well-being, the company operates from a small factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. Skilled artisans, drawing from their rich Cuban heritage in cigar craftsmanship, employ the labor-intensive "Entubar" method, which involves up to eight separate channels of filler tobacco, creating distinct smoking channels for optimal flavor development. This meticulous technique allows for tighter wrapping of the wrappers around the filler, resulting in an exceptionally compact and slow-burning cigar. Cigar Kings offers aficionados an exceptional and unforgettable cigar experience, crafted by a select few using this traditional method.

CIGAR KINGS Dos Colores - Corona Grande

Dos Colores - Corona Grande
Dos Colores - Corona Grande
  • Ring Gauge: 43
  • Taste: Woody
  • Cigar length: 152 mm / 5.98'
  • Vitola: Lonsdale
  • Strength: Medium - Full Body

A conversation starter before it even leaves the box, the Dos Colores isn’t just a cigar; it’s an experience rolled into a sleek, 6 x 43 corona gorda. With only 300 boxes in existence, this barber-pole beauty blends boldness and finesse for the modern smoker who appreciates the finer details. The secret lies in its dual wrappers from Ecuador: silky Connecticut Shade for a creamy smoothness, and Sumatra Colorado for a dash of rich, spicy character. Together, they create a dynamic flavor profile that dances between notes of toasted nuts, warm spices, and a delicate hint of sweetness—all grounded by subtle woodiness. Crafted in Nicaragua by skilled hands, every puff is effortless, with an even burn and a draw so clean it practically begs for a second round. Limited, striking, and downright delicious.


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