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History of DAVIDOFF

Davidoff is a Swiss premium brand of cigars, cigarettes and smoker's accessories. Davidoff cigar brand is owned by Oettinger Davidoff AG, which is based in Basel, Switzerland.Oettinger Davidoff AG manufactures a broad portfolio of cigars, cigarillos, pipe tobaccos and smoker's accessories under the sub-brands which include: Davidoff, Camacho and Zino Platinum. The cigars are produced in the Dominican Republic and Honduras, and they use the best tobacco which is sourced from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras and the United States of America.


Oro Blanco
Oro Blanco
  • Ring Gauge: 54
  • Taste: Leathery
  • Cigar length: 152 mm / 5.98'
  • Vitola: Toro
  • Strength: Medium - Full Body

Imagine a cigar so extraordinary, so precious, that it becomes reserved for the most special occasions. Enter Davidoff Oro Blanco, a masterpiece crafted from the fertile soils of Mao in the Dominican Republic, where three rivers converge, contributing to the unique character of its tobacco blend.

This cigar is the pinnacle of rarity, carefully created by Davidoff to deliver flavors of hazelnut, cedar, and honey. It is a testament to the artistry and dedication of the renowned "Master Blender," Eladio Diaz, who meticulously oversees every step of its creation.

With only limited quantities available, Davidoff Oro Blanco is a rare pleasure reserved for the most discerning cigar aficionados. The journey begins with the perfect terroir and rich soil, followed by twelve years of patient maturation. Once rolled, it undergoes an additional 18 months of "maturation" to achieve unparalleled aromatic harmony.

The buzz surrounding Oro Blanco began with whispers and rumors, reaching a crescendo when Cigar Aficionado magazine announced its launch. Now, the opportunity to experience this exceptional cigar awaits those who seek the pinnacle of taste and exclusivity.


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