Don Pepin Garcia cigars, crafted with meticulous care in the small factory of My Father Cigars in Doral, Florida, encapsulate the mastery of Cuban-born blender Don Pepin Garcia. Known as "Blue Label," the Don Pepin Garcia Original has evolved since its debut in 2003, now featuring a Nicaraguan Corojo Oscuro wrapper and a secondary band that marks it as "original." This line, which began with the Blue Label, has expanded to include the Don Pepin Garcia Cuban Classic, or "Black Label," and the Don Pepin Garcia Series JJ, distinguished by its white band. Don Pepin Garcia has made a significant mark in the boutique cigar industry over the past decades. His portfolio, renowned for its variety, showcases blends made from the finest Cuban-seed Nicaraguan binders and long-fillers, all wrapped in grade "A" coverings. Produced in limited batches under stringent quality controls at the prestigious My Father cigar factory, each cigar in the Don Pepin lineup is designed to offer a distinct, rich, and satisfying smoking experience.