History of EPC
E.P. Carrillo is the signature brand of EPC Cigar Co., the Dominican cigar company owned and operated by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo.
E.P. Carrillo is the signature brand of EPC Cigar Co., the Dominican cigar company owned and operated by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo.
E.P. Carrillo's Pledge Lonsdale is the latest marvel in their acclaimed lineup. Debuting after its triumphant reveal at the PCA Trade Show, these cigars have set out from Florida to make their mark. A name synonymous with excellence, the Pledge series has consistently earned high points, and the Lonsdale Limitada is no exception.
Dark Habano-seed wrapper from Connecticut, an Ecuadoran binder, and Nicaraguan filler blend seamlessly to deliver a taste symphony. Despite its slender frame, the Lonsdale Limitada holds its own in terms of flavor. It's a response to the aficionados' call for a smaller ring gauge with intensified taste, proving E.P. Carrillo's commitment to their audience.
In a world of cigars, the Pledge Lonsdale stands tall—a flavorful tribute to the art of crafting and the desires of connoisseurs.