History of PARADISO
Paradiso cigars were created by Ashton and are produced in Nicaragua at Don Pepin Garcia’s factories. Paradiso cigars are produced in the Esteli factory and made from 100% Nicaraguan tobacco.
Paradiso cigars were created by Ashton and are produced in Nicaragua at Don Pepin Garcia’s factories. Paradiso cigars are produced in the Esteli factory and made from 100% Nicaraguan tobacco.
Indulge in the rich flavors of the medium to full-bodied Robusto from Paradiso. This exquisite cigar unveils a harmonious blend of robust coffee and bold black pepper notes that captivate the palate. Amidst these enticing flavors, a delicate touch of sweetness emerges, adding a captivating allure to the smoking experience.
With each draw, your journey unfolds, and as you savor this cigar, you will find yourself gradually embracing the intricate spiciness that it offers. The complexity of the spicy notes deepens, creating an evolving and rewarding taste sensation that leaves a lasting impression.