History of BOLIVAR
In 1901, the Rocha Cuban Cigar Company began producing this outstanding brand – the Bolívar. Named after the infamous General who freed South America from the Spanish, the Bolívar cigar is often compared to the character of the great General himself – strong, powerful and robust in every way. Today, Bolívar cigars are thought to be amongst the strongest, most full-bodied cigars produced in Cuba. The Bolívar cigar is not for the beginner; it's distinctively strong flavor and robust nature draw mostly seasoned Havana aficionados. Oddly, at one time the Rocha Bolívar was famous for offering the world's smallest Cuban cigar, the Delgado, measuring only 1 7/8 inches by 20 ring gauge. It is said that the royal nursery at Windsor Castle once housed a spectacular dollhouse complete with a miniature box of Bolívar Delgado cigars in residence.