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History of H.UPMANN

These mild to medium bodied cigars have a very smooth and subtle flavor that has been its hallmark since its introduction in 1844. A great favorite among aficionados, the history of this brand began around 1840, when Herman Upmann, banker and almost fanatical cigar enthusiast, offered to open a branch of his family-owned bank in Havana Cuba. In 1844, he (not surprisingly) invested in a cigar factory, and from then until 1922, the company traded as both a bank and a cigar business. In that year, both companies failed, and a British firm, J. Frankau & Co., saved the brand and ran the cigar factory until 1935. It was then sold to the newly-founded Menendez y Garcia Company. And so it was that a legend was re-born. Characteristically, Upmanns offer a smooth, subtle, mild to medium smoke. These cigars are great for beginners, but appeal to the day-time tastes of seasoned connoisseurs. Their larger sizes are among the most rare and sought-after cigars in the world.

H.UPMANN Regalias

  • Ring Gauge: 42
  • Cigar length: 129 mm / 5.08'
  • Vitola: Petit Corona
  • Strength: Medium
A medium strength cigar that offers a complex ans substantial herbal flavor, that blends wonderfully with the clean tobacco notes in perfect balance. To get the best out of this cigar, you will need to age for at least three years to allow the flavors to fully open. A truly great Cuban.

H. Upmann

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