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Distributed widely throughout the world and sold originally by Dunhill New York, the Montecristo brand cigar currently accounts for almost 50% of all Cuban cigars exported each year, making the Montecristo the most popular Havana cigar in the world. The Montecristo was originally branded in 1935 under the name "the H. Upmann Montecristo Selection". When appointed the British distribution agent, the John Hunter firm shortened the brand's name to Montecristo. The John Hunter firm also redesigned the brand's logo to its distinctive red and yellow box with the triangular crossed swords. These delicious, full-flavored cigars are highly recognizable to the pallate due to their unique tobacco blend, and their highly distinctive flavor. The Montecristo brand is also highly popular as the result of it's exeptionally consistent quality.


Petit Tubos
  • Ring Gauge: 42
  • Cigar length: 129 mm / 5.08'
  • Vitola: Petit Corona
  • Strength: Medium - Full Body

One of the most popular Tubos cigars coming out of Cuba. This cigar is the Montecristo No.4, Petit Corona. Spicy and edgy and very tasty, this cigar is the most smoked Cuban around and it must be for a reason. If you are thinking of aging small cigars, this should be on your list.


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