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First produced in 1852, the Sancho Panza is a uniquely delicate, subtle cigar. These elegant cigars are among the most consistently well-made Cuban cigars manufactured today. These cigars are well suited to the occasional, beginner, or daytime smoker. All the sizes are mild, with some of the larger sizes being among the most mild in their category. The line is small, with only about eight sizes, all of which offer an intriguing, enjoyable experience. The brand is well known for its enormous "A" size Sanchos cigar and the pointed Belicosos cigar. Often attributed a unique grassy flavour, Sancho Panza cigars are all endowed with a medium tobacco and woody inclinations.


Non Plus
Non Plus
  • Ring Gauge: 42
  • Cigar length: 129 mm / 5.08'
  • Vitola: Petit Corona
  • Strength: Light - Medium
A Petit Corona that can be a little random in it’s direction. Like a roulette table! I bet on red, nine times out of ten its black! Non plus has a fresh fruity forest start, where it goes from there is anybodies guess. The fruitiness my make one think that this cigar is easy to handle and that first timers can smoke it but I would be careful. My advise would be that this cigar is for intermediate smokers who want a new challenge.

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