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European Union suffers set back

By イノウエ, Posted on 02/06/2005 15:50
Following the clear French 'No' vote on the 29th May, it was the Dutch who followed suit yesterday, 01st of June, with a massive 60% 'No' vote, to the implementation of the European constitution. In the three countries where the question has been put to referendum, two have heavily voted 'No', with large turn outs in both cases. With the UK now considering dropping the idea of a referendum, fearing that this would also lead to definite 'No', it begs the question, are the European leaders on another planet ? Is their grand idea of a United States of Europe blinding them to Reality. Whilst the People struggle with rising unemployment (France over 10%) and rising social costs for a collapsing system, the leaders paint us a pictures of a new utopist Super Economic State, ready to compete with the US and the emerging China. Have the leaders sitting in their white tower in Bruxelles lost site of what the People really need and want ? Do they care ?