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Fondue Season is off and kicking !

By イノウエ, Posted on 12/09/2005 18:49
When the temperature drops and the days get shorter, it can mean only one thing.....the Fondue season is finally here ! Early Saturday evening, I met up with Rick and Claude 'The Accountant' André (who is also one of Switzerland's foremost Paté (meat pie) experts), both leading Fondue-ists, to start our pilgrimage up the Jura for the first Fondue of the season. We will do all the Geneva venues throughout the season, but the first Fondue must always be something special. The small village of Saubraz plays host to one of the finest (and most derelict) Fondue restaurants in Suisse Romand. 19 Fondues to choose from, 22 different types of smoked meat and 1 type of white wine, locally made. While the cheese and meat are fabulous, the white wine leaves something to be desired and if miss-handled will take the varnish off the table. It was a memorable evening, with Claude 'The Accountant' André, breaking the local record for number of portions eaten in one sitting and Rick being elected most 'undesirable person in Saubraz'. Much merriment was had by one and all (especially the local wenches, highly impressed with the appetite of Claude). The wake up was rather difficult and cramped, considering we all slept in Rick's smaller than-mini car, but the feeling of a 'job well done' combined with the fact that a lynch mob had 'kindly' gathered outside (I am guessing to wish us a safe journey home), quickly got us on the homeward journey. With the first Fondue out of the way, it just leaves us a few other firsts to celebrate - Raclette, Malakov, Croute au fromage, Tartiflette, Tomme Poelée, etc.......... .