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Back in the humidor, again !

By イノウエ, Posted on 05/09/2006 17:03
Well, there goes the holidays for another year. Once over the shock of returning to a structured life, it is always nice to close your eyes and remember the good times. The wedding of my best mate on a beautiful white sand beach on the sun drenched Island of Ibiza, salt grilled Dorade, San Cristobal El Principes, Sangria de Cava, a crazy bunch of friends, Sardines, boating, Jockey Club, Calamar a la Romana, Bloody Mary's, Cohiba Esplendidos, Gazpacho, Can Jondal, Café del Mar and Ramon Gigantes are all experiences that bring a huge smile to my face. With that said, look out for the new set of deals, just on line, celebrating being Back at work !