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Smoking Ban

By イノウエ, Posted on 06/02/2008 10:45
Ireland, Britain, Italy, France and now they are talking about it here in Switzerland, banning the possibility of smoking in restaurants and bars. The right and pleasure of the individual, squashed at the expense of the greater good. At what point do we, as individuals, need to stand up say, 'enough is enough, I can decide for myself'. Sure, if people want to eat and be merry without doing it in a cloud of smoke, then let them do it in restaurants and bars that are defined as non smoking establishments (no one disagrees with this), but to flat out take away the right to have bars and restaurants that clearly advertise that they are smoker friendly and thus leave it up to the choice of the of the individual to decide whether he/she wants to go in, I say no! The Structure is slowing and eating away at the rights of choice of the individual and in turn, we are falling into the comfort of displacing any personal responsibility onto the Other. This is a dangerous slide to be going down. Time for us to stand up for what we want and take the responsibility for the results. I am Richard, hear me roar!