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Chocolate and Cigars

By イノウエ, Posted on 09/02/2009 11:56
The journey into the leaf can be experienced from many different angles. The initial phase of this apprenticeship is usually very much focused on the exploration and discovery of 'the cigar'; size, strength, aroma, etc... Finding ones likes and dislikes is the first key step. Once you have found your palate's preferences, you can then move onto the maze of pairing your favorite cigars with different influences, be it food, drink or even environmental factors. This phase of continual new experiences is one that can go on throughout your smoking life, as your palate changes with time. My personal preference when it comes to 'cigars supports', is finding stark contrasts to my cigar type. For a sweet, light wood flavored cigar, I love a rich dark alcohol. For a powerful, woody, leathery cigar, try sampling a fruity ice cream or sorbet. My latest discovery and current pet habit, is pairing all my cigars with chocolates. And when it comes to chocolate, being in Switzerland we are more than catered for. I recently found a local 'Artisanal' Chocolate maker, who has specialized in developing chocolates for the cigar smoker. The House of Grauer Chocolates are hand made, ensuring a quality and individuality for each bite. The House of Grauer have understood what the cigar smokers needs to compliment his smoke. Contrasts such as Lime, Raspberry or Bee Pollen will new give life to your regular smokes. The House of Grauer have gone all out in finding rare and Grand-Cru cocoa's. Having sampled the full box with cigar smoking friends, I can assure you that this box of chocolates will change the way you smoke.