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WEF Annual Meeting - Davos, Switzerland

By イノウエ, Posted on 05/02/2009 10:32
'The message from the Annual Meeting is that leaders must continue to develop a swift and coordinated policy response to the most serious global recession since the 1930s: global challenges demand global solutions.' Another fantastic effort from our chosen world leaders. I am sure this statement will go a long way to stemming the tide of recession. This was the end product of the 2009 World Economic Forum's (WEF) Annual Meeting held in Davos, Switzerland (28 Jan - 01 Feb 2009). One has to wonder whether the motto of this year's meeting, 'Shaping the Post-Crisis World', is a statement of intent or of future possibilities for more profit for the few??? The whole thing sounds like a good excuse for the rich to enjoy good food, wine and cigars in the Swiss Alps, whilst hiding behind a curtain of 'doing good'.