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BBQ Smoking

By イノウエ, Posted on 15/04/2009 10:07
One of my favorite smoking moments is in the warm weather and during the long preparations involved in a BBQ meal. Being outside gives life to your cigar (remember your cigar will dry quicker outdoors, depending on your local humidity levels), as the flavors gain in intensity mixing with fresh air. You will usually find that you smoke at a more gentle pace when you are outside, again improving the aromatic quality of your smoke. Hidden aromas will appear and the power will be present, yet the fresh air makes it enjoyable, rather than harsh. Of course, any type of aperitif or nibbles will only add to the overall pleasure of your smoking moment. lastly, as the BBQ is smoking too, you will never get shouted at for stinking of smoke (this is a real advantage for anyone who is married to anti-smokers). So get out, spark up and enjoy! Feel free to share your favorite BBQ recipes or tips.