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Free Smoke for Champions League Final

By イノウエ, Posted on 24/05/2013 17:17
Saturday 25 May 2013, Wembley Stadium, London 20h45, the Final of the UEFA Champions League Join us and the other billion people and enjoy the most exciting football evening of the year. Borussia Dortmund vs FC Bayern München It is our pleasure to share the excitement of this event with all members of TopCubans.com where ever you are. Pass an order this weekend for min $200 and we will add a ‘Champions League Smoke’ – Partagas Serie C No.3 Edicion Limitada 2012 to your order. Enjoy, David (*Conditions: ‘Champions League Smoke’ is a one time offer per client, minimum order $200. Offer runs through Sunday 26th May, midnight local time. Please do not ask for extensions, as this is a time limited offer, therefore no extensions will be given)