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Into the Quarter Finals We Go...

By イノウエ, Posted on 02/07/2014 15:34
What a cracking World Cup we have had so far - goals, great attacking play, and perhaps the changing of the guard at the top of World football?! Never can I remember so many European teams going out so early and the emergence of unlikely heroes such as Costa Rica and Mexico. Now we are at the last 8, and interestingly it is the winner of each group who got to this stage but there were plenty of cracking penalty shoot-outs and tight finishes to watch over the last few days that is for sure. Pity for the Swiss, they clung on so long but the Argies had the final class in the end I suppose. Bodes well for the future for our small country. Better than the English or the Italians at least! Hope your teams are doing well, and let us know your thoughts on perhaps your favourite cigar to go with the game! David