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Relations between the US and Cuba

By イノウエ, Posted on 29/09/2015 02:47
The UN is meeting in New York these next few days to try and thrash out the world's diplomatic issues. Cuba no doubt will be apart of the discussions and we hope that pressure from other nations on the US to really push for an ending of the embargo will be made. This will open up Cuba to its nearest neighbour for tourism and trade both ways, with an immeasurable boost to its fledgling economy. Americans will be able to legally get their hands on the finest cigars in the world, I would finally be able to say, yes it is legal to purchase Cuban cigars from Cuba! We feel good about the past 12 months of huge steps forward, we just need the final collapse of the embargo to truly be able to rejoice that the world has come to its senses! All these stressed-out delegates need is a good couple of hours drinking some fine Scotch over a Montecristo No 2, and I am sure that will help get the talks rolling! Enjoy whatever you are smoking! David and the Top Team