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프리미엄 쿠바 아이콘이 돌아왔습니다! 몬테 2, 매그넘, 하프 코로나, 쇼츠 등 한정 번들로 만나보세요!

Seasonal Smoke or personal preference ?

작성자: David, 게시일 06/04/2005 15:28
Whilst enjoying the fantastic Liverpool victory over Juventus 2-1 last night in the quarter final of the UEFA Champions League, a match that carried enormous emotional souvenirs, the question arose as to whether or not the idea of Seasonal cigars is a valid concept. Does our palate take the lead or is our palate influenced by the climate we are in, as it is by the foods we are eating or the drinks we are drinking ? Can one truly enjoy a heavy, full bodied cigar in the middle of the summer ? Is this a sign of an experienced palate or is it the total opposite, snobbism. Is not a sophisticated smoker one who is able to find points of intrigue in all cigars, be it light or full bodied according to the atmosphere and conditions he/she is in ? These questions arose as we (me and my Football Aficionado friends) smoked the recently delivered San Cristobal El Principe, a cigar that I can smoke all year round, but one which gives me the most pleasure in Spring. I believe that certain aromas can be more suited to certain conditions and that some flavors compliment positively with certain types of food or drink. At the end of the day, cigar appreciation is based on personal and subjective criteria, but testing and pushing the boundaries of the palate, should be the quest of every true Cigar Aficionado. Like the surfers with their waves, we are all looking for THE smoke. We will not find it by smoking the same waves Winter and Summer.
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