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Sausage, dried meat and salamis

작성자: David, 게시일 26/11/2007 12:02
The vast selection of dried/cured/smoked hams and sausages are a vital part of the Swiss (European) aperitif and meal culture. Be it the tasty Jamon de Serrano from Spain, the thinly sliced salty Italian Parma Ham, a solid German Würst or a Game Saucisson Sec from France..... the list goes on and on, these meaty morsels play a key role in the 'repas' protocol. Be it as a starter, a main meal accompaniment or as finger foods with beers during the footy game, the varied aromas and saltness mean these meats actually go very well with a cigar, bringing out otherwise hidden aromas. The smoke absorbs the greasy feeling one sometimes gets from these meats and plays with the salty, musty flavors your palate experiences. Try a meat selection, a couple of red wines and a sample of medium to full bodied smokes and I guarantee you will discover bliss.
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