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프리미엄 쿠바 아이콘이 돌아왔습니다! 몬테 2, 매그넘, 하프 코로나, 쇼츠 등 한정 번들로 만나보세요!

Super Bowl, Super Smoke

작성자: David, 게시일 31/01/2009 16:51
The NFL Super Bowl has become a world sporting event and this Sunday, 01 Feb 2009, sees the 43rd Super Bowl game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals. Big game and a big smoking event. I know many of you have put together special smoking selections for this evening. My recommendation would be to find a really big cigars and smoke it throughout the event. Nothing like keeping a cigar going for 3-4 hrs. Go for the Double Coronas or Churchills smokes and you will be content all night, even if your team doe not win!
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