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프리미엄 쿠바 아이콘이 돌아왔습니다! 몬테 2, 매그넘, 하프 코로나, 쇼츠 등 한정 번들로 만나보세요!

Spring is here, time for a clean!

작성자: David, 게시일 21/03/2009 10:55
Spring is here, which is the perfect excuse to clean out the humidor, clean up the cigars and re-charge with smokes that will fulfill your palate's Seasonal requirements. Why not treat your cigars to a wrapper clean. Gently brush your cigars with a soft clean paint brush. This will unclogg the pores of the wrapper leaf and allow your cigars to breath and thus continue to develop (ageing). Without this occasional clean, you cigars will become clogged, the aromas will close down and you may suffer draw problems as a result. Also, remember to keep an eye on your humidor settings as the climate changes. Higher temperatures may mean you need to change the position of your humidor to maintain the key atmosphere of 16-18°C (60-65°F) and 65-70% humidity. And finally, listen to your palate. As the temperature rises, give in to the urge for aromas. There is more to smoking Cubans than pure power and now is the time to experience it.
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