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Autumn, the cigar smoker's Season

작성자: David, 게시일 25/09/2009 11:37
Imagine the setting; you are gently strolling through a woody forest. The air is crisp, but not cold, just enough to allow you to see your breath billow out with every step. The sun is present, but only to give light to Mother Nature's masterpiece of Seasonal metamorphosis. The leaves all around are taking on their rich Autumn colors, producing a duvet of brown, orange and red as far as the eye can see. Small animals busily shuffle around collecting and storing their food supplies for the long Winter to come. Your dog happily explores this world around him, fascinated by every sound and smell, occasionally coming back to you for a quick pat for assurance. This is the setting for your perfect Autumn smoke. Just you, your cigar and the miracle that is the planet we live on. Autumn is my favorite smoking Season. I find the air is perfectly suited to enhance flavour and the foods are richer bringing giving much more depth to your favorite smoke. Enjoy these times. Why not share your ideal smoking situations with the TopCubans.com club.
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