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Updated - Habanos price rises

작성자: David, 게시일 13/08/2011 02:50
Well folks, it has finally come. We have managed to put it off for a number of years now, but there will be a price increases on Cuban cigars this summer. Habanos S.A. keep raising their prices (around 5% a year) and we must now follow. This situation has been amplified by Habanos S.A. promising more cigars to the new markets without producing more stock. The result is an additional price rise on the products due to lack of supply. We have fought long and hard to keep our prices stable, but this correction is now unavoidable. We will keep you informed of when these new prices will come into effect. My recommendation, stock up now while the prices are good and the choice is complete! Date has been finalized - Price rises will come into effect as of Monday 22nd August on TopCubans.com
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