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프리미엄 쿠바 아이콘이 돌아왔습니다! 몬테 2, 매그넘, 하프 코로나, 쇼츠 등 한정 번들로 만나보세요!

New Services from the US to Cuba

작성자: David, 게시일 06/05/2015 16:16
Many people have been asking Richard and I what all the news in the past few months means for ordinary Americans who want to travel to Cuba or buy Cuban products. Even with the recent developments very little has changed for the regular person on the street. Recent announcements of ferry links between Florida and Cuba and a few more chartered flights (Jetblue from JFK as well as several from Florida already) are welcome, but only Americans who have all the required documents can take advantage of these services - there are 12 different categories you need to jump through with the various government agencies. These announcements are of course a welcome step in the right direction, but the trade embargo still stands, and that will need an Act of Congress to truly open up Cuba for Americans. It is coming but we are still a way off yet. Of course all our non American friends you have no issue going there, just don't try connecting through the US! Happy travels David
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