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Small Cigars on Topcubans

작성자: David, 게시일 12/10/2015 04:30
Small Smokes are really taking over the cigar scene, not just in Cuba but the other tobacco producing nations as well. Habits change, sadly we as consumers don't have the time to smoke big beafy Double Coronas any longer, the trend is towards smaller punchier smokes which can fit into our overly hectic lives. The Cohiba Minis are an excellent option for any of you wanting some quality Cuban smokes and you are short on time. The packaging also will impress. But I get asked whether they need to stored in a humidor and the response is a resounding YES! Even though they are small cigars, these are not cigarettes or like the cheap cigars one can purchase at a local convenience store. Allow some room in your humidor for your tins, and they make ideal 10 minute go to smokes for those short on time. Topcubans will always prefer the larger cigars; they offer more and I think making time for a passion is well worth it. We fully understand however the realities of modern life and we are pleased even Habanos are recognizing that greater choice in sizes can't be a bad thing, so long as the larger cigars are still the priority.
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