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프리미엄 쿠바 아이콘이 돌아왔습니다! 몬테 2, 매그넘, 하프 코로나, 쇼츠 등 한정 번들로 만나보세요!

New Cuban Regionals and Twitterings!

작성자: David, 게시일 01/05/2017 01:34
Going for a new push on Twitter, we hope to inform and entertain on there, bare with us getting used to how it all works, but we have a positive outlook on this new avenue of connecting with people so wish us well! Another new development on our site is the new page dedicated solely to Regional limited edition cigars from around the world. This page starts with 7 interesting and exciting cigars and we will refresh with new additions as we go on. This was due in part to the huge popularity in the British Regionals we launched a few weeks ago on the David's Pestigious Page. Expect to see more offerings than ever before on Topcubans, we are determined to be the number 1 cigar merchant online, and if you do not see a cigar online, you are of course more than welcome to get in touch by email, as we may have it or can point you in the right direction. [email protected] as always. All the best from the Top Team David
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