Food and cigars are like honey and ambrosia to me! This Panetelas is a great daytime cigar, I love to spark one of these up on the weekend with a glass of chilled Californian white wine, the crisp and very fresh Napa Valley whites compliment the wood and flowers of this most modern Cuban cigar. A woodiness creeps into the cigar with divine subtleness and you can also experience hints of coffee in the second phase of this pretty Gloria. But back to food, two free range eggs, poached, a couple of rashers of Danish bacon, crispy, and one of these Panetelas make for a great breakfast or brunch combo. The Medaille d'Or No.4 is great for beginners because it is not threatening, being of medium strength, and displaying floral tendencies which are simple and uncomplex to the uniniciated palate. hopes you give them a go, at least once!!