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Distributed widely throughout the world and sold originally by Dunhill New York, the Montecristo brand cigar currently accounts for almost 50% of all Cuban cigars exported each year, making the Montecristo the most popular Havana cigar in the world. The Montecristo was originally branded in 1935 under the name "the H. Upmann Montecristo Selection". When appointed the British distribution agent, the John Hunter firm shortened the brand's name to Montecristo. The John Hunter firm also redesigned the brand's logo to its distinctive red and yellow box with the triangular crossed swords. These delicious, full-flavored cigars are highly recognizable to the pallate due to their unique tobacco blend, and their highly distinctive flavor. The Montecristo brand is also highly popular as the result of it's exeptionally consistent quality.

MONTECRISTO 520 Edicion Limitada 2012

520 Edicion Limitada 2012
  • Ring Gauge: 55
  • Cigar length: 155 mm / 6.1'
  • Vitola: Double Robusto
  • Strength: Medium - Full Body

The final Edicion Limitada for 2012 is the Montecristo 520. Habanos created this to celebrate the anniversary of Columbus introducing Cuban tobacco to the world. I smoked this with a friend of mine who is a long time Cuban aficionado. Here is what he had to say 'Herbaceous and floral cigar surprisingly mild considering its ring gauge. Although today it lacks complexity there are hints that a subtle pallet of leathery flavours will reveal itself after maturation. A genuine Montecristo which will please this brand's aficionado and others and will undoubtedly become a hit and collectible item after a few months of caving. 7/10 with potential for 9+/10'. Need I say anymore


Reviewing our original texts and thoughts on this product, now aged 12 years is always a fun thing to do, we gave it a 7/10 with definite potential for aging and improving over time. Certainly 1 to put aside for enjoyment in the future. We are now at that future and what a knockout experience this has become! Bold Montecristo flavours we are accustomed to but just a joy with quality draw and velvety smooth on the palate leave you crying out for more. A lovely smoking experience for Christmas to treat yourself with something truly unique in this world, there are very few remaining.

Prestige for all, David

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